Wednesday, February 8, 2012

front door

this is the story of finding my new front door.
If you glance at the photo you'll see i'm adding a glassed in front porch. i wanted a front door  that said ,"welcome to a home with heart, style and light". The doors I had laying around the property weren't quite the door i was looking for. I glanced around second hand stores, prayed before going to the thrift stores, asked friends, and even looked at pricey antique shops without finding exactly what i was looking for. If you were to ask me what exactly i was looking for, i wouldn't be able to tell you. I always know when i find what I'm looking for, I get a little rush, almost like a drug rush, only better.
After framing two walls I deceided it was now time to get a door. I drove into Albuqueruque and started making my rounds again, revisiting doors I had seen in the past, and checking the back rooms of shops that allow me to do that. I made an offer on a pair of french doors, that was turned down(note, I did not whine, just thanked them and left). late in the day I asked a fellow vendor at Sole, he suggested Habitat For Humanity. hmmmm. I crossed the street and asked the mechandiser at another shop, he said "what about Habitat for humanity? And ,"what style is your house?" I had a little laugh about that and struggled to explain just what was happening here. I said a little of this a little of that, what ever is lying near by and fits is mostly the style of my home. But there was HFH again!
i literally jumped into my truck and swung over there. I followed a great vintage Dodge pickup truck into the parking lot and had to wait while a woman unloaded her truck at the donation's door. She off loaded a couple of aluminum framed windows and low and behold, a classic aluminum storm door and an exterior 1950's ranch style front door!
This was what I'd been looking for all along. oh, so excited! I can't wait to park the car and ask about those doors. I hurry inside the store, but play it cool, you know, look at bathroom sinks, kick the legs on some old dressers and mosey on over to the restricted employee only area where the doors are leaning against a pole.
"Excuse Me!
i couldn't help but notice those doors you just got in?
Would you be willing to sell them now?
Hmmm... how much for the storm door?
ok, 40.00 and therare screens that fit? oh, it slides up and down, great!
and the white door?
40 again? Is that hollow core?
Yes, it is very nice, very 50's, kind of suburban, kind of ... oh 25.00 then.
that is how i found my new front door. Stay tuned to see it painted and the fancy storm door hung.

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